Since 1967, Sagrado Coração de Maria School in Rio de Janeiro offers, during the night shift, quality education for youth and adults. The objective of the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) project is to promote the growth and integral formation of the underprivileged people who did not have the opportunity to attend basic schooling, and defend the construction of relationships based on respect, solidarity, Cooperation and friendship.

Most of the students attending the EJA are hardworking people, from the grassroots. These are people who need to start or complete their studies and usually work all day. Therefore, the beneficiaries seek a qualification for the professional market in order to obtain better performance in their activities and a better placement in society.

The curriculum project, illuminated by the Religious Education program, addresses content in a contextualized way, focusing on promoting meaningful learning enriched by the formation of ethical and religious values. The disciplines offered are those that make up the curriculum required by law for the different levels and modalities of teaching.