Driven by the desire to share the values ​​and the humanitarian work done by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary, during the period of the holiday season, we give our small contribution through the implementation of the project ‘Mozambique Sponsor a Child Program’. The project involves all classes of Primary School and Middle School. The goal that each class aims to achieve is to collect the sum of 200.00 Euros, which is the amount needed to finance a year of education of a child in Mozambique. The project started with great enthusiasm in 2009 and provides for each class sponsor the same child during his formative years. Each classroom has posted pictures of their adopted child and through an exchange of letters our children receive information on his or her training and school attendance. This initiative is an opportunity for growth for our students in terms of empowerment and awareness for others.During an English writing lesson, students were asked to reflect on and describe community service at our school. They found inspiration from different initiatives going on at school.