Social Projects

Almost 200 years ago, in Béziers (France), Father Gailhac embodied the ideal of paying attention to the weakest, offering his life to an action in favour of evangelical justice.

Today, Colégio do Sagrado Coração de Maria- Lisbon, feels the same call!

Jean Gailhac’s Centre arises as a response from our educational community to the local needs and the contemporary world. Its aim is, specifically, the cooperation with other institutions and the assistance and help of socially uprooted people.

  • In the impoverished neighbourhood of Galinheiras, students and other volunteers from school share some of their time helping students from 10 to 14 years old with their studies .
  • From the 4th grade on, each class accompanies a specific family in need. They gather food and other products in gift baskets at least twice a year, which are, afterwards, given to the families.
  • Books, school material, clothes and hygiene products are collected in several occasions to distribute to several families or institutions.
  • Partnerships with several institutions which dedicate to different causes, such as the support to refugees, homeless, mental and physical incapacitated, victims of prostitution, abandonned children, among others. These partnerships are done with volunteer work, fund raising or another financial asset.
  • Connection with other religions, particularly the Ismaelii Centre and the Buddhist Union.Therefore, in an active and committed way, CSCM puts in practice the motto of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary, “That all may have life, and life in abbundance”.